Get Meal Planning! What Kind of Meal Planner Are You?
Meal planning can seem overwhelming, but starting small can make a big difference. We’ve got easy, no-pressure tips to help you get going on your meal-planning journey. Hate planning? This guide is for you. Not sure what tools are best for meal planning? The truth is, the best tool is the one that works for you. We’ve got three meal planning techniques to test out. Find out what kind of meal planner you are, and don’t forget to always build in a couple of Unwaste Nights so you’ll make a meal plan that’s food waste free!
Your meal plan and your shopping list go together like sauerkraut on a Reuben sandwich.
Once you’ve found which method works for you, we find it’s easiest to do it all in one go – check your supplies, make a plan, then write your list.
So – what kind of planner do you think you are?
The fridge scribbler
Grab some whiteboard markers or chalk pens and write what’s next up for dinner onto a magnetic planner or straight onto the fridge. It’s right where everyone can see it, so there’s no more ‘what’s for dinner?’.
The paper planner
Whether it’s a piece scrap paper or a beautifully organised planner from your favourite stationery brand – keeping your meal plan on paper means you can easily take it with you to the shops. Try The Great Unwaste downloadable Meal Planner to see if works for you.
The tech head
Some recipe sites have integrated meal planners that do the work for you like the Woolworths Online Meal Planning tool. You’ll save so much time going straight from meal inspo to shopping list, even adjusting up or down the number of people eating straight from the recipe.
If apps are more your thing, there’s heaps of dedicated meal planning apps for you to test out to find one that works for you.
We also know simple list apps can work just as well as a more structured meal planning app, and many can be shared with everyone in your household so no matter who is heading to the shops you’ve always got the up-to-the minute plan.