Are you wasting more than you think?

It turns out we are...


7.7 million meals

Australian households throw away the equivalent of 7.7 million meals every day.


265kg of food

The average household throws 265kgs of food waste in the bin a year.


Greenhouse Gases

Halving food waste across the supply chain by 2030 removes 50M Tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.


$2,500 wasted

Food waste costs households more than $2,500 per year.


Without meaning to

We’re wasting twice as much food as we think.

What can
we do
about it?

Pack it. Stack it. Chill it.

Proper storage and labelling are easy secret weapons to longer-lasting food and fewer “what’s that smell?” surprises. Treat your food right, and it’ll stick around long enough to reach your plate.

Learn more about food storage

Illustration of a stack of food containers

Flexi meal plan

Life’s busy, we get it! You never know how the week will go – who might drop by, invite you over for dinner or call you up for lunch? And after a tough day, who can resist a takeaway? But by planning for the unexpected, we can unwaste food and be better prepared for whatever comes our way.

Learn more about flexible meal planning

Illustration of a slice of pizza

Join the leftovers revolution

Don’t let last night’s dinner sulk in the fridge! Leftovers are a quick and easy way to save time, money, and give your taste buds a second helping of something delicious.

Learn more about leftovers

Illustration of a bowl of rice

First in, first out

Before grabbing that brand-new bag of salad, remember the opened one patiently waiting its turn. Eating older items first keeps your food rotation fresh and prevents hard-earned groceries from getting thrown in the bin.

Learn more about eating older items first

Illustration of vegetables

Stick to your list

Buying too much at the supermarket is easily done, particularly when those specials and multi-buys are so tempting. But by sticking to a list, you can keep your kitchen stocked with just the right amount and avoid that unnecessary ‘just in case’ loaf of bread.

Learn more about shopping lists

Illustration of a shopping bag full of groceries

Cook just right

Do you often cook too much rice, pasta, or mashed potatoes? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! By checking how many people are eating, how hungry they are and recommended serving sizes, there are easy ways to prepare just the right amount.

Learn more about cooking the right amount

Illustration of a pot with steam emerging from it

Save room for seconds

We all put a little too much on our plates from time to time. So, why not start things off with smaller servings? After all, you can always go back for seconds or save it for leftovers tomorrow.

Learn more about serving sizes

Illustration of an unfinished plate of pasta
A child sitting at the table, licking sauce from his fingers


The Great Unwaste is a nationwide campaign to reduce food waste and help households across Australia have a positive impact on the planet, our people and their pockets. By providing easy ways to reduce the amount we throw away, together, we can turn food waste around.

Turn food waste around The Great Unwaste Logo Turn food waste around The Great Unwaste Logo Turn food waste around The Great Unwaste Logo Turn food waste around The Great Unwaste Logo