Let’s start unwasting

Ignoring that sad veg in the fridge won’t make it any less sad. When figuring out what’s for dinner, use the older stuff first – the ones most likely to go to waste. Rotating your groceries by packing new items away behind the older ones is the secret to keeping everything fresh. At the right moment, everything in your fridge has plenty to give.

Don't Worry

It’s midweek, plans have changed, and you realise something in the fridge might not reach the dinner table before it goes bad. If it’s freezable, put that freezer to work!

But before it goes into the depths of your freezer, make sure it’s labelled and think about how to use it in your future meal plans.

Learn easy freezer hacks to help you store food better, keep it fresher for longer, and save money.

Did you know

Frozen foods can be an unwaster’s superpower – always ready to save the day. Healthy frozen ingredients like fruit and veg are full of nutrition and can be a great way to unwaste from the get go.

Don’t let the good stuff go to waste!

Older items might look a little sad, but they’re still packed with goodness. Whether turning bread into croutons, blending fruit into smoothies, or using herbs to add some flavour to your meals, there’s a way to make every little leftover count.

Flexi Meals

Not sure what to do with that half-eaten roast, extra veggies, or yesterday’s rice? Don’t let them go to waste! Turn those odds and ends into something delicious with these inventive ideas.