Leftovers to Noodles: Delicious Dishes from What’s in Your Fridge

Categories: Meal Inspo

Noodles are the ultimate canvas for turning leftovers into mouthwatering meals. Whether you’ve got a few veggies, some protein, or extra sauce hanging around, noodles can bring it all together into something delicious. Here’s how to unwaste, take those fridge finds and create tasty noodle dishes with really simple ingredients.

Oodles of Noodles

Choose your favourite type of noodles—ramen, soba, rice noodles, or even instant noodles will work perfectly.

Step 1

Build a tasty base

The secret to an epic noodle dish? It’s all in the sauce. Here are some tasty options depending on what you’ve got on hand:

  • Soy Sauce Base: Mix soy sauce, a splash of sesame oil, and a bit of honey or brown sugar for a simple stir fry sauce.
  • Stock: Use stock as a great and tasty liquid to cook your noodles in.
  • Creamy Sauce: If you have leftover cream or a bit of cheese, melt it with some garlic and broth for a rich sauce.

Step 2

Add Leftover Proteins

Leftover meats and proteins can take your noodle dish to the next level, making it heartier and more satisfying:

  • Cooked Meats: Shredded chicken, beef, pork, or seafood can be quickly reheated and added.
  • Tofu: Sauté or stir-fry leftover tofu for an easy vegetarian option.
  • Beans or Lentils: These can be a great protein source and mix well into noodles

Step 3

Veggie Power-Up: Pack Your Noodles with Colour, Flavour, and Goodness

Leftover veggies are a game-changer for your noodle dishes, bringing both big tastes and a healthy kick. Here’s how to throw them into the mix:

  • Sturdy Veggies: Sauté broccoli, capsicum, or carrots until tender, then toss them with your noodles for a satisfying bite.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, or bok choy work perfectly—just add them toward the end of cooking to let them wilt down.
  • Frozen Veggies: Need a quick fix? Toss in frozen peas or corn—no thawing needed! Easy, nutritious, and delicious.

Step 4

Amp Up the Flavour

Take your noodle dish from good to unforgettable by mixing in these bold flavor enhancers

  • Aromatics: Garlic, ginger, and onions can add depth to your dish. Sauté them first before adding other ingredients.
  • Fresh Herbs: coriander, green onions, or basil sprinkled on top will add a fresh touch.
  • Spices: A dash of chili flakes, curry powder, or five-spice can give your noodles an exciting twist.

Step 5

Combine Everything Together

Once your noodles are cooked and drained, it’s time to combine:

  • In a large skillet or wok, heat a bit of oil and sauté your aromatics.
  • Add the leftover proteins and vegetables, stirring until heated through.
  • Finally, toss in your cooked noodles and sauce, mixing everything well. Cook for an additional minute to let the flavors meld.

Step 6

Serve and Store Leftovers

Serve your delicious noodle dish hot, either on its own or with a side salad. If you have leftovers, cool them down quickly and store them in airtight containers. They’ll keep in the fridge for a few days and can be reheated easily.