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By working together to reach Australians with one collective voice, we know we can make a positive difference in the fight against food waste with great partnerships.

We have designed The Great Unwaste to be a truly collaborative movement – to succeed in changing household behaviour nationwide, we need a united voice across industry, all levels of government, the not-for-profit sector as well as individuals.

At the heart of all our partnerships is our mission to help Australian’s reduce their household food waste.

This is an incredible opportunity to use the evidence backed research by End Food Waste Australia, to reach your customers and community in ways that make sense to your organisation.

Together we can turn food waste around – whether you’re big, small or anywhere in between, interested in co-designed assets, campaigns targeting specific products, learning more about household behaviours, or just want to help spread the message, we can work with you to adapt to your needs, and we’d love to hear from you!

Reasons The Great Unwaste is for you could include:

  • You’re a local or state government with a goal to prevent household food waste ending up in bins or you have a community development focus on addressing food security;
  • You’re an education provider on a mission to teach others how to avoid wasting food;
  • You’re a food business making strides in reducing waste and want to help customers make the most of your products, so they don’t end up in the bin;
  • You offer solutions or tools that address any of the seven food waste reduction behaviours of the campaign; or
  • You’re a charity or food rescue organisation that wants to educate households how to make the most of the food they have.


The Great Unwaste is proudly brought to you by End Food Waste Australia, the nation’s leading not-for-profit charity reducing food waste across the entire supply chain.

The Great Unwaste has been built collaboratively, with support and assistance from across the nation. We recognise the crucial input provided in the development of the campaign by so many dedicated individuals from across industry, research, all levels of government and the not-for-profit sector.

End Food Waste Australia has been enabled to launch this game changing campaign through the initial support provided by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water logo

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